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MIDITERM - simple MIDI test console

User Manual

MIDITERM is a rather simple but very useful MIDI terminal emulation for Windows.
It is especially useful as a debugging tool to send any MIDI messages by PC keyboard input and list all received MIDI messages on the PC screen.

When you start MIDITERM, first a list of the actually available MIDI OUT devices is displayed. Select one from the list by typing the corresponding number.
Next a list of available MIDI IN devices is displayed. Select one by number from the list.
At any time you can make a new selection with <CTRL_N>.

Different modes for typing and display of MIDI messages are available:

You can change your mode of typing/display at any time with <CTRL_Q,W,E or R>.

By default, any "MIDI Timing Clock" (hex F8B) and "Active Sensing" (hex FE) messages received at the MIDI IN port are discarded and not displayed at the terminal screen, because most times they appear annoying. Their display can be activated at any time by pressing <CTRL_G> and blocked again by pressing <CTRL_B>.

To avoid this repeated work of selection any time you start MIDITERM, you can save your selections as a preset with <CTRL_P>. Then the file MIDITERM.SET is created (or overwritten without warning, if already existing) in the same directory where MIDITERM is installed.
Please note: If you have changed your installed MIDI devices, values loaded by preset may cause a wrong access to MIDI devices then. In this case you should temporarily update your selection with <CTRL_N>. You can save a new preset or keep the old one for the next program start. If you ever will install a new version of MIDITERM, the file MIDITERM.SET should be deleted before.

Exit MIDITERM: For Windows XP and later versions simply close the window. For older versions it is recommended to terminate the program by typing the <ESC> key.

How to send MIDI messages: (see short manual by typing '?')


If you have selected command input as MIDI messages (CTRL_Q>/F1 or <CTRL_W>/F2) then a MIDI message has to be entered as follows:
All command and parameter input is case insensitive.
The preselected MIDI channel (command 'M') is used.
A MIDI message is entered by a letter which specifies the message type (status byte) - followed by one or two digits hex numbers (by default or if selected by typing $)
or by one to three digits decimal numbers (select by typing &), which describe the MIDI data bytes.
Any number input has to terminated by <SPACE> or <ENTER>. The message is not sent before all data bytes are entered.

How to receive MIDI messages:

If you have selected message display as MIDI messages (CTRL_Q>/F1 or <CTRL_E>/F3), then every MIDI message is displayed on the PC monitor as follows:
First the type of the message is displayed as readable text, next all bytes of the messages are displayed as hex or decimal numbers, depending on the active number base. Where applicable, the corresponding note value is added. The content of SysEx messages is displayed as text if "printable", else as a sequence of HEX bytes, each with a preceeding backslash '\'. Only one message is displayed per line. Due to limitations of the WindowsTM API, "running state" is not reported correctly.

How to send raw bytes through the MIDI interface:

If you have selected command input as raw HEX bytes (default or $) plus (<CTRL_E>/F3 or <CTRL_R>/F4), then a single MIDI byte is entered as follows and immediately transmitted:
First type the high nibble as a hex digit 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. Letter input is case insensitive. Next enter the low nibble the same style. Wrong input can be deleted with 'backspace'. Terminate input with a <SPACE> or <ENTER>. If the high nibble is = 0, then only the low nibble has to be entered and terminated as described before. Every byte is transmitted immediately after termination.
Example: send a NOTE ON message on MIDI channel #3 with chamber pitch 'a' and standard velocity: type 92<SPACE>45<SPACE>40<SPACE>.
If you have selected command input as raw DECIMAL bytes (&) plus (<CTRL_E>/F3 or <CTRL_R>/F4), then a single MIDI byte is entered as follows and immediately transmitted:
First type the highest digit (hundreds, tens or ones) as a decimal digit 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Next enter the less significant digits the same style. Wrong input can be deleted with 'backspace'. Terminate input with a <SPACE> or <ENTER>. If leading digits are = 0, they may be left out. Every byte is transmitted immediately after termination.

How to receive and display raw MIDI bytes:

If you have selected display as raw bytes (<CTRL_W>/F2 or <CTRL_R>/F4) then received MIDI bytes are displayed as an unstructured stream of hex or decimal bytes, depending on the active number base (default = hex).
Data will not be displayed before a complete MIDI conformant message was received.

How to send the same message repeatedly:

If you want to send the same message for several times without the need to enter it again: type CTRL_A or Key F5
If you have selected the MIDI message mode, the last transmitted MIDI message will be repeated. In the raw bytes mode, the last entered byte will be repeated.

New features of version December 2017:


The subsequently downloadable material is copyrighted (c)2010-17 by Wolfgang Schemmert
Use of the software is permitted for free by everybody for any purpose ("freeware")
This software is provided "as is" - without any warranty. Any responsibility is excluded.

(contains "miditerm.eee" and this HTML file in PDF format. "miditerm.eee" must be renamed to "miditerm.exe" before use.)

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* State of information December 2017.
* Right of technical modifications reserved. Information based on best knowledge - without any warranty. Any responsibility is excluded.
* This description is for information only. No product specifications are assured in juridical sense.
* Trademarks and product names cited in this text are property of their respective owners.